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“Buy a Bunny for Easter,” Says Local Rabbit Breeder

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

Easter egg hunts, church services, brunch; all things we associate with Easter. “But what’s the single most important thing?” asks local rabbit breeder Laura Isig. “Earning your young child’s love with a gift that will unconditionally love them back, an Easter Bunny of their very own!”

Isig, founder of Lil’ Thumpers, a rabbit breeding company says that this time of year is the best time to buy your child or adult girlfriend a rabbit due to the seasonally high interest in the furry creatures.

Don't think about it, just do it

“Not only are they affordable to purchase, but they’re quite easy to take care of,” continues Isig. “All you need is some indoor housing, wire covers, protection for your furniture and baseboards, baby gates, a litter box, specialty rabbit litter, feeding bowls, a continuous supply of fresh hay, fresh vegetables, chew toys, nail clippers, chicken wire, and special handling gloves if it’s biter.” Isig reiterated that most rabbits are biters, but she is selling the special gloves on special so she has you covered.

“Don’t forget you’ll need contact with a vet that specializes in rabbits, they’re not as common as you’d think. But I know a great one in Indianapolis, I’ll get you his card.”

When asked how sociable rabbits are, “Oh very! Rabbits actually get bored very easily, and a bored rabbit is a destructive rabbit, so you want to make sure you’re engaging with these little guys constantly.”

She went on to explain that rabbits have their own unique language and behaviour. “People who have a dog or cat tend to think this will be more or less the same adventure. I assure you, it’s completely different.”

Isig wants to remind the community that’s she’s currently offering a Buy 3 Get 1 Free deal now through the end of April. Perfect for multi-children families and hoarders.

“They really are the perfect pet!”

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